Welcome to the Ohio Squirrels Water Polo Club. Founded in January, 2007, our water polo club serves men and women, 18 and older, interested in playing water polo. In addition, the club serves as a supplemental practice and instruction to any high school player (with parental waiver signed). The club serves all levels of playing ability and is located in Cincinnati, OH.
Click here for current team leadership structure.
Click here for current schedule.
Current Team News
Interested in joining the club?
We accept all levels of experience. If you are interested in joining the club, please email ohio.squirrels so you can get more information about us. All players are required to swim 500 yards continuous and be able to tread water. Also, water polo is a physical game. Please do not just show up to pr...Read more
Motor City Madness Tournament
Squirrels attended the Motor City Madness tournament July 27-28, 2024 V. Motor City A – 11-8 V. Motor City B – 17-3 V. Wolverine – 12-6 V. Cleveland – 16-1 Thanks for hosting us Motor City!...Read more
Dogwood Invite Results – Squirrels go 3-1
On April 13 & 14, the Ohio Squirrels traveled down to Knoxville, TN for their 2024 Dogwood Invite. It was both an indoor and outdoor tournament. Win v. UT Alumni – 18-2 Loss v. Charlotte Sharks – 7-9 Win v. UT – 10-6 Win v. Bluff City – 9-7 Congratulations to the Ohio Sta...Read more
2024 Ohio State Buckeye Results
The Ohio Squirrels traveled to Columbus, OH for the Ohio State Buckeye Invitational. They finished 4-0. v. Columbus 8-7 v. Iowa 18-1 v. Tennesee 11-6 v. Columbus Jrs 10-4 Onward to Tennessee in April!...Read more
2024 Nutty Invitational Review
This past weekend (February 24-25), we hosted the 2024 Nutty Invitational at the University of Cincinnati. This is the 15th year hosting this event. We had 12 teams that came from Ohio, New York, Michigan, Tennesee and Illinois. It was a very competitive tournament. Thank you to all the teams for at...Read more
2024 Nutty Invitational
We are excited to host the 2024 Nutty Invitational on February 24-25 at the University of Cincinnati. #nuttyinvite Ohio Squirrels Water Polo Club...Read more

Training Facilities
General Information
The club holds practices for the purpose of conditioning, skill enhancement and team building. The team practices as least once per week (sometimes more based on site availability) and a location within the greater Cincinnati area. Practices are held year round.
The Ohio Squirrels Water Polo Club is currently an unaffiliated club; however, the team competes in tournaments against clubs at the collegiate and masters levels. The club enters into approximately six tournaments a year.
Dues and fees
The club charges dues per session or per year to cover expenses related to pool time, website fees, and equipment. Please check with the club president for relevant registration information. You can contact the team at [email protected]. Click here for current dues structure.
the club sends periodic communication related to team activities. Your email address and phone number are necessary to maintain up-to-date communication. Club new is posted at the team website at www.ohiosquirrels.com.
Participating is not mandatory, but regular participation helps club organizers improve the consistency and quality of the team.
Rules and Policies
I. Mission
The Ohio Squirrels Water Polo Club (OSWPC) was established to:
- create and sustain a long-term water polo club in the Cincinnati area.
- train and compete as Ohio Squirrels in tournaments.
- to recruit, develop, encourage athletes of all ages and ability throughout Ohio to participate in the sport of water polo.
II. Travel
A. Travel privileges are given to players who:
- are at least 18 years of age.
- have earned a high school diploma and/or GED.
- paid appropriate dues.
- and attended more than 50% of the practices two months prior to said tournament
** Satellite players must pay the appropriate dues and establish accountability with OSWPC.
B. If any player traveling with the team should miss a game at any tournament, unless excused by an OSWPC Executive Officer, may be subject to probationary measures.
- Should the OSWPC take disciplinary action, it would result in the following:
1. Probationary Travel - Restricted traveling privileges with OSWPC
2. Review by OSWPC Executive Committee officers - the OSWPC Executive Committee has the right to review the offense. Repeated offenses are subject to possible suspension or dismissal from OSWPC based on the seriousness of the matter.
C. If a player misses any games at tournaments due to the consumption of alcohol or drugs, the OSWPC has the right to review the offense in light of possible courses of action. The player may be subjected to the disciplinary actions described in Paragraph B.
- Should any player be dismissed from the team, a refund of dues, tournament fees, or money contributed in any capacity to OSWPC will not be refunded.
III. Practice
A. Practice is not mandatory; however, attendance is directly correlated to playing time at tournaments. Players that attend and show commitment at practice will benefit in playing time at tournaments.
IV. Dues & Fees
A. OSWPC designed dues to enhance the playing experience.
B. Dues will not provide any profits, personal net gain for members of OSWPC.
C. Players are encouraged to contact a member of the OSWPC Executive Committee for any special circumstance regarding dues, which will be considered and addressed as needed.
D. Due do not cover all expenses for traveling members of OSWPC (i.e., tournament entrance fees, travel expenses, lodging, meals).
E. Additional expenses will vary for each tournament. OSWPC is not accountable for these changes.
F. OSWPC will set annual or seasonal dues to ensure adequate facility and teams expenses can be met. Dues will be published by an Executive Committee member at the beginning of the calendar year.
G. Dues will cover:
- team equipment.
- facility/pool expenses.
- advertisement/recruiting efforts.
- team social activities.
H. Upon request, a financial report can be made available at any given time by contacting [email protected].
V. Player Responsibility Policy:
A. Helping each other with specific development areas
B. Complimenting on someone’s high quality play, even if it is a small contribution
C. Being inclusive on ideas for strategy
D. Understanding that we are all at different levels of skill set
E. Being respectful, professional and avoiding confrontation when things get overly physical or letting emotions flair.
F. Being understanding of the official and the calls they make may not be perfect.