Cleveland – Erie Classic Invitational Review

Erie Classic Invitational – April 9 – 10 – Review
A team of 8 Squirrels traveled to Cleveland to participate in their Erie Classic. The team faced very tough challenges this past weekend that included: Univ of Michigan, Dynamo WPC, Chicago Outlaws and Cleveland "A".

The team went 0-4.

While the weekend was frustrating as we play to win, it was also a way to really find it in ourselves to keep going. We absolutely never gave up. And while we should have had almost no energy left, where we played our best game was in game #4 against Cleveland A who was the best team at the event. We had a game plan for each game and we were focused. Not once did we show exhaust (except after each game because we put it all out there).

The roster included:
Jeff Clemens
Chris Mathers
Pree Sinha
Jenna Tameris
Paul Miller
Mike Jones
Ryan Hays
Brian Hudak

We are all proud of our showing. We have taken things back to work on in practice which the coaches will begin to implement immediately
Please join me in congratulating a great group of Squirrels that representative our entire club up north.

We were a classy program all weekend and Cleveland enjoyed having us. Tune in soon for more tournaments we will be attending. We hope you can attend.