Ohio Squirrels WPC 2017 Dues Structure

Happy Holidays.

The Ohio Squirrels WPC is pleased to bring you the 2017 Dues Information.

There are some changes to this year’s dues structure and practice

1. We have increased our practice offerings in the 1st Session (Spring) and
3rd Session (Fall) to provide Wednesdays every other week (or twice a

2. We have increased dues due to the increase in practices but also because
pool rental costs and equipment.

3. There are multiple incentive programs that you can take advantage to
help both save you money as a member and help continue to grow the club – sponsorship and recruiting.

4. Take advantage of the Annual Dues Membership and get the most out of
the club and the very best water polo experience.

Please read the 2017 Dues Structure Information Sheet to find out more
information. Feel free to begin paying for your 2017 Dues via PayPal and sending to ohio.squirrels.

2017 OSWPC Dues Structure:

2017 OSWPC 1st Session Practice Schedule:

Let us know if you have any questions.